I bought a table topper kit and pattern while on my bus trip. Here it is all made up!
Close up of the fabric. I thought it was cute. Not sure of the designer or manufacturer.
I bought a table topper kit and pattern while on my bus trip. Here it is all made up!
Close up of the fabric. I thought it was cute. Not sure of the designer or manufacturer.
The church where I sew regularly has a group of women who make quilts to gift away. I am going to share some pictures with you of all of this year's quilts. Those of use who sew every week have gifted fabric, quilt tops and even finished quilts.
Every year my friend Patti and I make a little gift for breast cancer survivors. There is a soup supper where the women are honored.
This year we made jar openers. They are super simple but such a great gift as it's always nice to have a little help opening a jar.
I had some Cheddar and Navy fabric that I bought when Prairie Start Quilts was going out of business, so I have had this fabric in my stash for some time. I had 4 one yard pieces of fabric which worked out perfect for making a 3 yard quilt.
There are a number of patterns I would like to make from this book. I may kit them up this winter. I like having a plan for some of the fabric I have purchased over the years.
Hello! I'm back from an unscheduled absence. I had a busy time with Retreats and bus trips and train trips.
I started out in the middle of September with the first of my Retreats. Then I had another Retreat the following weekend. A bus trip the weekend after that and a train trip after the bus trip! It's been go, go, go. Lots of fun!
WOW! I can't believe it's been so long since I posted. I have been sewing things, but nothing has reached the finished line. I do have a sampler quilt that I have one last month to work on.
Here it is, Block 22!
It's hard to believe we are almost to the end. I think I found a setting that I like to use for these blocks. But I'm sure that there will be more settings to chose from, so will keep watching for those.
Here is Block 21!
I really love the fabrics in this one. It's been so much fun picking out the fabrics for each block.
Here is Block 20!
I skipped Block 19 as it was another foundation pieced block. At the moment I'm not sure if I will go back and make this block or not. Right now I'm leaning towards not doing it. We'll see when I get to the end of the blocks. If I need another block, I'll make it.
Here is Block 17!
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Looks like a snow storm |
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Total accumulation |
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My cannas |
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My roses |
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My peonies |
I love the way Block 16 turned out.
I skipped Block 14 for now. Here is Block 15 from Moda Blockheads 5:
I have been really busy the past month. I have completed a number of blocks which I haven't blogged about. They will be appearing soon.
The grands came for a visit which is always so much fun. We went sightseeing and hung out on the deck. We even spent time trying to take pictures of fireflies/lightening bugs. We decided it was best to just try and record them vs taking a still shot. LOL
June BOM from "A Quilting Life" is complete!
It's so nice to have this block done. I've also been working on the Moda Blockheads 5 blocks. I have more done, but I have decided I really don't like doing paper foundation piecing and there is a number of them. So I have to decide what block I'm going to do in place of those blocks. Sometimes another designer of the blocks does something different, so I'll check that out. But slow and steady, right?
I upcycled my pressing mat that I made some time ago. For some reason I kind of quit using it. You can see it here. I took the binding off, added a zipper and some more stitching and now I have an iron bag. The pattern I used was from Lindsay Conner from lindsaysews.com, but I checked her website and I couldn't find the pattern. 😕 Sorry I'm not able to share that, but there are lots of other free patterns and tutorials if you search for "boxy bag".
My travel iron and another pressing mat will fit inside this bag. It's perfect because this bag has the ironing board fabric inside plus I will wrap my iron in my other pressing mat before putting it in this bag. Protection for the hot iron and the bag keeps the cord from getting all tangled up. It feels so good to use my old mat this way!
Block 13 for Moda Blockheads 5 Group 2 is now complete!
I just keep plugging on with these blocks. I guess getting caught up may not happen, but who knows?
May BOM is done! With "lots" of time to spare. LOL
This is the first block that I added some of the blue fabric. I think I will add blue to a couple more as I go along. This block can be found here at "A Quilting Life".
April BOM is done. This one is by Sherri from "A Quilting Life" blog.
I'm working on May's block so hope to have it completed soon!
Block 11 and 12 are done!
Slowly but surely I am trying to catch up on my Block Heads 5 blocks. And Block 9 is completed!
Now to cut out the next block...
Block eight is now complete!
Still slowly working on cleaning out stuff in the sewing room. And I started Block 9!
I spent a week cat sitting and I didn't take my sewing machine this time. I should have as I didn't get anything done that I had planned on. Oh well. Live and learn.
I do have Block 7 done for Moda Blockheads.
I am almost done with Block 8. Slow and steady, right?
Blocks five and six are now complete.
I think I might have said it before, I really like these blocks in the smaller size, but they take so much time to complete. Time is needed so that points match up the way they should. It has been a skill builder!
I'm still playing catch up. Two more blocks done for my Blockheads 5 BOM. Here are blocks one and two.
These are blocks three and four.
In block three, on the left, I added some of the reproduction fabrics that have a cream background. I've decided I won't use those again. I feel they create too muddy of a design. Not sure if I will redo that block or not. Once I get things caught up, I may make it again.
But I really like block four. That's the thing, always learning and relearning.
Gotta love those finished quilts! This quilt is a pattern from Villa Rosa Designs called "Serengeti".
This one has been a top for some time but I never finished it. That happened this month. Woohoo! One more top out of my quilting room and off to live it's life. This quilt has been donated. Now to get a couple more of those tops on their way!
Another finish!
Another table topper has reached the finish line. This one was from a class my friend Jean taught.
Another table topper has reached the finish line. It's a pattern I have used before called "3 Fat Quarter Table Runner".
This was a free pattern from Piece Works Quilt Shop in Winterset, IA. If you want to see the other one I made, it's located here.
February Block is done! Woohoo!
It's nice to have this block completed. This picture makes the brick red fabric look brown. I did change it up as I wanted it to look more basket like. Here is the original block at "A Quilting Life". Are you sewing along?
I have a finish! Woohoo!
Aplliquilt is a Whimsical one-step applique and quilting style that I first came to know through Tonee White.