Sunday, March 24, 2019

The End

It's finally the end of a class.  I signed up for 2 classes in January that were multiply day classes and because of snow or ice we had to change the dates we met.  Saturday was the last day of Peas In A Pod class.  This is the class I took with a friend I work with who wanted to learn to quilt but didn't want to go to the class by herself.  I'm so glad I took the class.

This is my friend's quilt:

The picture doesn't really do it justice.  It's a beautiful pink, purple and orange quilt.  Such fun colors! 

And this is the front of my quilt:

It's "Wizard Of Oz" fabric.  It's hard to tell, but the yellow is the brick road fabric and the red is a flower fabric I bought to be the poppies. So fun to make and here is the back:

The fabrics in the center are from a "Wizard Of Oz" charm pack I bought and these fabrics represent the part of the film where it went to color. (Brick road fabric on the sides.)

The quilt is all pinned and ready for me to quilt it.  I do need to cut some binding for it and get it ready, so I'll work on that.  Then I'll be ready to cut every thing that is left and add to the Scrap User's System

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