Monday, November 29, 2010
Now that Sophie's stocking is done, I have to redirect myself. I need to get back to my quilt-as-you-go quilt, but I also want to work on Christmas things. This is why I have so many UFO's, I love starting new projects. SO I cleaned some more in my sewing room for my 15 minutes for today. How's that for a redirection????
Friday, November 26, 2010
Sophie's Stocking
Sophie's stocking is done! Here is a picture of her with her new stocking that's all ready to take home. Below is Sophie and Seb with their stockings. I can't believe how hard it is to get a picture of the two of them together and to get it to be a nice picture of them both. This one is the best I could get.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Last night went to the grocery store again! I think I need to write up some plans, so I'm not running to the store just before Thanksgiving. I'm surprised at how many things they were out of.
I forgot that I had 3 stars to add to the stocking, so got that done last night and started the holder/hook part of the stocking. Maybe it will get all sewn up this evening.....?
I forgot that I had 3 stars to add to the stocking, so got that done last night and started the holder/hook part of the stocking. Maybe it will get all sewn up this evening.....?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Not sure how well you can see the details, but I have them all finished. Now I'm ready to sew the back to the front.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
No Sewing
I'm getting the house ready for Thanksgiving, so there wasn't any sewing today. I spent 15 plus minutes cleaning things up in my sewing room. Plus organizing some fabric in the closet. Looks better, but still needs a little more time.
Catch Up Again
We went out to dinner with friends last night and before we left, I got my last strip quilted with the extra quilting. Yeah! I'm all caught up and am ready to sew the 6 inch squares on a strip.
On another note, I did get the details done on the reindeer on Sophie's stocking. I'm working on Santa now.
On another note, I did get the details done on the reindeer on Sophie's stocking. I'm working on Santa now.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Catch Up
I went to the grocery store after work yesterday and shopped for Thanksgiving. What a load of food! (I love it though.) But I was pretty tired after that and couldn't focus. So I didn't get anything done last night sewing wise. So this morning I got up earlier than normal and had time to do 15 minutes of sewing on my king-size quilt in order to catch up on my missed sewing time. This evening I'm going to work on Sophie's stocking.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Again, I made more progress on my king-size quilt then on the stocking. I didn't work at all on Sophie's stocking. Instead I made out my grocery list for Thanksgiving dinner so I can head to the store tomorrow after work. This will be the first trip, as I know I'll forget something important and will have to go again.
Monday, November 15, 2010
I'm On A Roll!
I finished the last reindeer tonight plus I got one more strip quilted with the extra quilting lines. I'm on a roll! I'm starting the details of Santa and the deer tomorrow.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
More Progress
I made more progress on my king-size quilt than I did on the Christmas stocking today. I quilted 3 strips that were already done. Glad I did decide to do the extra stitching as I'm finding a couple of places where I didn't get the fabric caught well when I was doing the flip and sew. I'll be working on Sophie's stocking tonight. :-)
Update: I have one more strip quilted. Total is 4 done today. YEAH!
Update: I have one more strip quilted. Total is 4 done today. YEAH!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
15 More Minutes
I got Santa done today and most of a reindeer. I also added the extra quilting to one of the strips of my king-size quilt. Spent most of the day cleaning, we're having Thanksgiving here, which is always fun. I want to have Sophie's stocking done by then so she can take it home.
Friday, November 12, 2010
I almost have Santa done. I've been doing a small buttonhole stitch all around the applique pieces to hold them down. Then I'll go back and add the detail stitching. It's so relaxing to do.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Still working on the applique for Sophie's Christmas stocking. I think it's coming along just great!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I'm still working on the Christmas stocking for Sophie. I love working with wool, especially this time of year. Plus it's for Christmas, so I'm starting to think in that direction. I'd love to get my new tree skirt going too. But, I'm going to be a big girl, and put that off. After Sophie's stocking is done, it's back to the king size quilt.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
This is the pattern I'm using for Sophie's stocking. It's a "A Piece Of Work" pattern by Jan Speed. Her website is . I love the patterns she has created for wool felt.
I traced the designs onto freezer paper and ironed the freezer paper onto the wool. I cut the designs out and I'm now ready to start stitching. (Once DWTS comes on.)
I traced the designs onto freezer paper and ironed the freezer paper onto the wool. I cut the designs out and I'm now ready to start stitching. (Once DWTS comes on.)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I have a great feeling of satisfaction over all that I got done this weekend on my king size quilt-as-you-go quilt. I got the 3rd strip base coated this weekend and I should be able to get those other blocks sewn on this week on all 3 strips. Once I do that, the quilt will be 3/4's of the way done. Although I was thinking today maybe I should go back and add extra stitching on all of the base coat squares. Just to be sure that it holds when I wash it. I was thinking of quilting a straight line 1/4 of an inch from the seam on either side of the block.
Saturday's Progress
I feel like I got a lot done on Saturday. I finished the base coat on the strip I started this week, finished a 2nd one, and started a 3rd one. I'll be ready to add the 6 inch and 3 inch blocks to these strips this week.
I missed Quilt Day as I needed to stay home and get some things caught up. Did get some house work done that had been on my mind; cleaning out a couple of cupboards, putting away Halloween decorations, and the dishwasher seems to be working again. I was having trouble with the way the dishes were coming out, all covered in a film. Finally changed soaps and it's working fine. The soap I used changed formula and didn't clean as well with our well water. Glad I found a new soap so fast.
I missed Quilt Day as I needed to stay home and get some things caught up. Did get some house work done that had been on my mind; cleaning out a couple of cupboards, putting away Halloween decorations, and the dishwasher seems to be working again. I was having trouble with the way the dishes were coming out, all covered in a film. Finally changed soaps and it's working fine. The soap I used changed formula and didn't clean as well with our well water. Glad I found a new soap so fast.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday Cleaning
Last night I spent my 15 minutes cleaning up around my sewing table and cutting table. Computer was really slow again, so wasn't able to post last night. The joys of living in the country. :-)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Mystery Quilt at Quiltville
Last night I took my bath and was pretty much done for the evening. I went to bed and I woke up this morning ready to go! I found and cut some red fabric for my king-size quilt tonight. Then while I was looking in my bin of red fabrics I pulled all the burgundy fabrics for the mystery quilt that Bonnie is doing at Quiltville. Check it out. So I'm going to get out the other colors needed. Should be fun! (I know, just what I need, another project.)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Strip Number 10
We have been gone from home for the last 2 weekends and I am amazed by how behind I feel in my sewing and housework. Voted today, fixed dinner and did some laundry. Was able to do 15 minutes and I got half of the "base coat" done. I hope to be able to spend more than 15 minutes tomorrow working on my quilt. Still, 15 minutes a day adds up to an hour and 45 minutes a week. I just am in the mood to spend a day sewing!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Quilt as you go
I worked on my getting my batting pinned to the backing for my next strip on the king-size quilt as you go. I'm plugging away!
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