Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One More

I have one more strip sewn onto my quilt, now at 6 strips.  I'm working on pressing the seams and getting ready to do the decorative stitching.  I'm going to have to move sewing central to the kitchen table in order to handle the size of this quilt.  When I get it finished, I'm going to measure exactly how large it is.  (I think the next few posts are going to sound very much like this one.  Not unlike listening to me go on and on about 6 inch and 3 inch squares. LOL )  I'm really thinking very small, quick projects are going to be in my future for a while.


Anonymous said...

I had commented on your street fold/technique. I use a 1938 straight stitch Singer to sew with...and I wouldn't do a decorative stitch. Do you think that would work out okay? Maybe sew close to the edge?

Karen said...

Cathy: That would be interesting to try. I'll have to get some scraps out and give it a whirl.