Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Another Snow Day

I had another snow day today, but I wasn't NEAR as productive as I was yesterday.  I got 4 strips all sewn together and I have them pictured in my heading.  I added only one more strip today (total is now at 5) as there was all the normal home things to do.  Laundry, dishes, sweeping etc., as I didn't do any of that the day before as I was too busy with the quilt.  I guess it's all about balance, but I really like it when the scale swings to the sewing side.    But I do have this to show you:

It was such a pretty snow, even when it was coming down.  Big, fluffy flakes gently falling to the ground.   I did go for a walk today, which I needed.  I was tired of being cooped up in the house. 

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