Saturday, September 3, 2011

Little Bits

I cut some more of my hexagons out this week.  I stacked them together with a yellow center and 6 petals.  I'm going to store them in the little tin behind behind the stack.  This tin was one that my son and daughter-in-law gave me with cookies.  They had been to England and since I collect tins, it was the perfect gift!

 I also cut these Christmas fabrics into 2.5 inch strips for a jelly roll racer quilt.  I have about 62 strips.  The red strips at the top have some flaws in the fabric by the salvage edge, so when I sew the strips together, I'll lose some of the length as I'll cut that part off.

And all of the strips fit nicely in the lettuce container.  Ready to take it to Quilt Retreat in September.  I now have 3 projects ready to sew.  So how many would be too many projects?  I'm thinking I need more, as I don't want to run out of things to do.

1 comment:

Deb said...

You are so organized this year! I am envious! I'm just started the mental part of "what am I bringing?"!
